How to Screen Record on Samsung A14: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

So to all of you asking how to screen record on Samsung A14, you are at the right place. Whether you are recording tutorials, gameplays or something important on your Samsung Galaxy A14 5G screen, the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G screen recording tool can certainly come in handy. Samsung Galaxy A14 may not have a built-in method to record the screen. But do not worry! Using third-party apps, you can easily screen record with a simple few steps. 

Why There Is No Built-In Screen Recorder in Samsung A14?

Why There Is No Built-In Screen Recorder in Samsung A14

Most Samsung phones ship with a built-in screen recording option, but Samsung Galaxy A14 (both 4G and 5G variant) ships without a screen recording capability out of the box. For you, that means using third-party apps to record your screen.

Install and Use a Screen Recording App on Samsung Galaxy A14

To screen record on Samsung Galaxy A14, follow the steps below.

How to Record Screen on Samsung A14 5G

How to Record Screen on Samsung A14 5G

Install a Screen Recorder App

To record your screen on Samsung A14, first, you need to install a third-party screen recording app. Get several options from your Internet application store (Google Play Store). One of the most popular options is X Recorder, which is easy and really does work perfectly.

To install the X Recorder:

  1. Launch the Google Play Store app on your Samsung Galaxy A14.
  2. You can search for “X Recorder,” which is developed by InShot Inc.
  3. Downloading the application by tapping Install.

The X Recorder app itself is one of the top screen recording apps to up your game, however, feel free to explore any other apps available as well.

Set Up the Screen Recorder

To set up the app after you have installed it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the X Recorder app.
  2. You’ll be prompted to give the app a number of permissions in order for it to work. Tap Got it to proceed.
  3. Follow on-screen instructions to enable the floating icon. It is called “screen recorder,” and it will give you an icon that will show on your screen and enable you to start, pause, or stop the recording.
  4. Grant the “Appear on Top” permission to make the app appear on top of the apps (really important to make the floating icon work).
  5. Go ahead and choose Allow for access to files and show notifications so that the app functions properly.

Now that everything is set up, you’re good to go to start recording the screen on your Samsung Galaxy A14.

Start Recording Your Screen

With the X Recorder app configured, you can begin to record your screen:

  1. Hit the Record button in the app.
  2. The app will prompt you to ask if you’d also like to record audio as part of the screen. If you do, tap While using the app, then tap OK.
  3. This will cause a timer to show, indicating that the recording will start.
  4. You will see a little floating icon on the right side of your screen that lets you pause, stop, or annotate the recording. This icon can be accessed at any time while you’re recording.

Stop and Save the Recording

When you’re done recording, just tap the Stop button on the floating icon. You are also able to pull down the notification tray and if the app is in the background, hit the Stop button there.

The recording will get saved in X Recorder app on your device. It is also located in your Gallery app, making it simple to view or share your screen recording.

How to Access Your Screen Recordings

To view your recorded screen:

  1. Find an album called Screen Recordings where your videos are stored.
  2. You can also open the X Recorder app in which you could see and manage all your recordings.

Other Options for Screen Recording

So while X Recorder is a good choice, there are plenty of other third-party screen recording apps on the Play Store that you could try out. A few of the most recognized options are:

  • AZ Screen Recorder
  • Mobizen Screen Recorder
  • DU Recorder

Though the Samsung A14 won’t be a phone that has a built-in recorder, all of these apps have mostly the same features that help you easily record your screen.

Final Thoughts

While you might need a third-party app to record your screen on the Samsung Galaxy A14, it is a straightforward process that can take just a few minutes. Apps such as X Recorder make capturing high-resolution screen recordings simple, whether it be for tutorials, gaming, or just for personal use. Simply follow the above steps, and you will be screen recording in no time!

You don’t have to stick to X Recorder, any third-party screen recording app will get the job done just fine. Experiment with various ones to see which one works best for you.

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